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Technical Information


The SmartMan Training Systems are composed of a manikin plus software. Below are the basic specification for both the hardware and software.

The Hardware
SmartMan training systems are built on an Ambu Man manikin. The manikins are re-built to meet more accurate requirements set by SmartMan. Proprietary analog to digital converters are installed and specifically manufactured components are installed. These physical features are the basis for the software.

You can download a detailed specification for the hardware. This includes, Principles, Hygiene, How to fit the face and install the head bag (if applicable), adjusting chest stiffness, and how to clean the manikin here. Further reference is here.

The Software
SmartMan software runs on a windows operating system and requires a graphics card with the ability to support 3D graphics.

We recommend at least an intel i3 processor or equivalent, 2gb RAM (4 recommended), XP, Vista, Win 7, 512-16bit 3D capable graphics card, 1024 x 768 Resolution, at 16 bit Color, 1 available USB port, ability to connect to the internet.

The SmartMan Megacode and SIM programs have optional ability to interface with a tablet to allow some features of the software to be controlled from a distance via the tablet. The main software requires a computer which meets the above requirements. The software cannot run on the tablets without the computer.

(Note: Computer May Not Be Included with SmartMan depending on the package you purchased. The SmartMan software will NOT run on a NetBook, Chromebook or a tablet. This program will NOT run on a tablet (e.g. an ipad) Printer Optional - User Provided).

It is possible to use the latest software without ever accessing the internet. Internet is not required to run the skills training activities. Internet is not required to create logins or to use existing users.

If you chose to register users, an Internet connection is required. You do not need to register users to run SmartMan. Registration is only required to run the optional QCI and oversight software.

On Keycodes

All SmartMan key codes will work on any SmartMan program so long as there are valid seats remaining for that key code. A Key Code allows a specific number of people to register to use SmartMan. Each Key Code contains the number of “seats” which were purchased. When a person registers to use SmartMan, they need the key code and the student number. The student number is issued when they register and should appear automatically when the registration is successful.

Using More than One Key Code

When you purchase SmartMan you can have more than 1 key code assigned to you at no extra charge. Once you understand how they can be used to simplify your access to information you may choose to use several key codes instead of a single key code. You can have as many key codes as you like as long as the number of seats provided against your original purchase is not exceeded. Here are a couple combinations in how you might order key codes with manikins.

  1. You could order several SmartMan manikins and have everyone use the same key code.
  2. You could order one SmartMan and make use of several key codes.
  3. You could order a key code for each SmartMan

If you have already been using SmartMan and now would like to make use of more than one key code. Please contact Ambu SmartMan on info@ambusmartman.com.

Using Multiple Key Codes on 1 Manikin

By using different key codes with different groups, you can easily identify results later. When you use the SmartMan QCI Program you will be able to analyze each group separately.

One way to do this is to simply give the group the Key Code and make sure they use it when they register. An easier way is to change the template before the second group goes to register.

Example 1 - Using a 2nd Key Code and the Template
: You might be using SmartMan mostly with one group. Then on another day you take SmartMan to a second location to test a different group. You can have the second group use a second key code. To prepare for this, before the second class,

NOTE: You must remember to change the Template BACK to using the previous key code when you return to use SmartMan to your regular group. The Template only stores the current changes.

Example 2 - Using a 2nd Key Code for each registration:
A second way to use another key code, particularly if you only have a few people to test or if you have a mixed group, is to have the second group enter the second key code when they register.

Let say that you have 1 SmartMan and normally use it for one group. Then one day you have 4 or 5 other people come to do CPR. If you want to keep their results separate, give each of them the second key code to use when they register. They will know that they have entered a correct key code because a check mark will appear.

Because they have NOT made any changes to the Template, when your regular people go to register, they will still be using their normal key code.

Using Multiple Key Codes on Multiple Manikins

The easiest way to make use of multiple key codes is to have a separate key code on a separate computer for each SmartMan manikin system you are using. To do this simply create a template with the key code you want on each machine. This is particularly useful if you have a SmartMan installation at different fire stations or perhaps they are in different sites around a county.

You can greatly simplify the registration process by making use of the SmartMan “Corporate Template.” Please refer to the file related to that topic to learn more. Top

Understanding Student Numbers
When a user is registered, the registration information is verified, a file is created on the server and on the local computer. When everything is set up a student number is issued for that registration. This is a unique number and is ONLY associated with that registration.

This student number we be sent to the email address which you used to register. In older versions, the student number appears in the blue space on the registration page. In the 1 Jan 2015 version, the button allowing you to return to the main menu becomes active. If for some reason the server is unable to complete the registration, create the student number, and return it to you, this user will NOT be registered. This means that the results will not be stored on the server.

Ranking of Results
The student number is also required to display where your results rank for the activity. This is provided if you are connected to the internet when you perform and activity. Upon completion of the activity, the result are submitted to the server. A display showing where your percentage rates out of those result submitted, will be displayed.

Why The Student Number is Used
It is an identifier for both the raw data, archived data, and data sent to the server. It is an indication that the server side has been correctly created and can thus be used. The student number makes it possible to find information at a later date. When you wish to use the QCI software to analyze results or to conduct research this number is important. Top

File Information

Location of Files

Your SmartMan files are located on the local computer where the training activity was performed. They are on the local C: drive. The exact name of the folder will depend on which product you have purchased and when you purchased it.

SmartMan and Airway SmartMan files purchased before 1 Jan 2014 will be located in c:\V4EMS_Data directory.

Systems purchased after 1 Jan 2015 will be in a directory which more clearly indicates the name of the program. For example, depending on which product you purchased you could see:

Data File Names and Structure

Data files are stored on the local hard drive. Below each login name is a directory which contains data files for each test that is performed. Each file has an extension. They can be found here:
SmartMan Ventilations            = .smv
SmartMan Compressions        = .smc
SmartMan CPR                        = .smcpr 
Each file contains data points. These are the data points that are recorded for each test.
These are in text format and can be directly copied.

How to Delete A Login

All data can be deleted by deleting the directory with the login name which you wish to delete. If you do this all information will be deleted. The next time you start the program, this login will NOT be in the login area.

How to Delete A Skills File
All information related to a skills practice or test is stored in the directory which shares the login name. In each directory, there is a separate folder for skills performed as compressions, ventilations, CPR or as an advanced airway. Each complete session is stored in one of these folders. By deleting one of the files in the folder you delete the record of that practice or test.

How to Back Up Records
To back up all results from tests and practices, go to the SmartMan data are (C:\V4EMS_DATA\V4EMS_5.3\records\loginname). Copy everything in the records directory.

Anytime a person completes a test, the SmartMan default is to send the data to the server. However, this feature can be turned off or there maybe be problems with the internet connection. This might mean that the server does NOT have a copy of all of the data. Top


Upgrades and Directories
Each Main Version change, indicated by the two numbers from the left, for example from 3.7 to 5.3 will create a different directory for your results. If you upgrade and do not see your logins. Do not panic they are all there, but in the previous directory. See above on file structure.

Upgrades and Records Data
In some upgrades, new features have been added. If that happens, this will require a change in the structure and type of data collected.

Some of the files created in a previous version might not display correctly. Do not worry. This does NOT corrupt the data. The information is all there and intact. You simply need to use the previous version to view it, or contact us and we might be able to convert it to the new structure.

Upgrades and Features
We issue regular upgrades to add new features to existing products. This is our response to our users and hopefully it makes the product easier to use.

What the Version Numbers Mean
When we move to a new number after the decimal place, for example from v5.0 to v5.1 or from 3.7 to 3.8, this means we have added a major set of new features. We recommend that you upgrade.

Identify which Version are you Running
For versions purchased before 1 Jan 2015: Start SmartMan and login. You will see the version in the middle on the right hand side of the Main page.

For versions purchased after 1 January 2015: Start SmartMan and login. The information will be on the left at the bottom of the Main Menu.

End of Support: Technical Information