TrainingResults from CPR training are important for students as well as trainers. Once the training has been completed, what do you do with those results? With SmartMan QCI it is easy to keeping a record of training results. You can easily examine trends over time, see how different classes are performing and to identify areas where improvement can take place. QUICK LINKS: Objectives | Manikins | Hands-On Strategy | Threshold/Targets | Coaching or Self Practice | Refreshing Skills | Giving Results |
Classroom ManagementAccurate data is the cornerstone of solid research. SmartMan is a scientific instrument that records how well students perform various activities related to CPR. The research side of SmartMan is a tool to save, store and analyze you results. It also provides the ability to export the data for more sophisticated statistical processing of the information. QUICK LINKS: How Many Students | How Many Manikins | How Much Time |
In a CPR class the broad objectives are already set by the guidelines and in most cases by the need of the student to receive a CPR card. However, within those broad guidelines the trainer although always pushed for time may want to stress the importance of compressions. Some trainers manage to give students more time on the chest. The color that the trainer adds to the class is what leaves students with having learned more or less.
Any manikin is better than no manikin, however not all manikins have the same quality of feel and responsiveness. Also it is now widely recognized that feedback is a crucial component to training with achieve high quality of performance of CPR. Thus it is important that students have at least some experience with a better manikin and a better feedback system during their training.
Hands On Strategy
SmartMan provides a realistic high quality training. It's detailed feedback has been proven to improve how well people perform.
Everyone wants to know what their target of performance is. Give them a suggestion and have them aim to perform to that standard. Set at least 70% and many classes aim for 80% performance and above.
Coaching or Self-Practice
There is often place for both having the trainer lead and then having students self practice.
Buddy teaching
Many students have taken CPR classes many times. They already know the basics and thus do not need a full course. They need to hone, adjust their skills. Refreshers on SmartMan are effective and quick.
Giving Results
Students want to know how well they have done and they want to know how well others have done. Students know whether you have simply giving them an opinion or whether it has been an objective assessment of how well they performed.
There are many constraints on trainers and the issue of the number of students and the number of manikins is one of the most difficult. However, remember that QUALITY of performance is crucial to the patient so that if you do not have students at least understand the basic components of quality, then the class has not been successful.
How Many Students
Even with a large class of 20 students and only 1 SmartMan it is possible to provide every student with some hands-on this high quality system.
How Many Manikins
For professionals with a duty to act, simply pressing on a manikin without improving how they perform is of little value and in fact may be detrimental. It may be building incorrect patterns of performance. Your training has the opportunity to improve what they are currently doing.
Not all students require the same amount of time with the accurate feedback. Some students will already be performing correctly and a quick confirmation and consolidation of that fact is sufficient.
The majority of students can learn from the feedback to adjust their performance. From even a short time on SmartMan they will know the key things they need to watch out for.
One or two students might not be able to correct their performance sufficiently in this class alone. If possible then they should be encouraged to practice at the end or at another time.